Posting in an actual postbox!

Sketchbook Project

It’s Sketchbook Project time again. I stuck with the pencil work again this year, but created a bit of a narrative. The little darling, can’t decide on what to wear… creates a bit of a mess in the process.
So it’s off to the post office and out of the country to Brooklyn, New York. To be properly digitised and put into their collection.
Each year I sign up I think I’ll never get this done, each year about halfway through I want to bin it, each year there’s an immense sense of achievement in finally seeing it posted off.
You can flick through the images here of each page by clicking on them.


More postage, I’m about to send my second postcard off to the publishers. This one began when I said I was going to make these postcards and Rohan said, “…like and old fashioned tweet…” so I grabbed that and went with it.

The original is hand painted in Gouache, I’ve tidied it up in Photoshop, putting the background in and adding a few more notes and I’m really pleased with how it came out. This would make a great greeting card, I think, and the style would be a good book cover, hopefully ‘they’ see that it would too!