Portfolio building

I asked and so received some feedback from an agent a few weeks ago. It was generously and kindly given and quite correct. Often you have to have someone else look at what you’re doing, to step back, look at it with fresh eyes and see the gaps as well as where you are getting it right.

So after having the curtains pulled back, I saw clearly that my assumption that people would just know I can draw people, was wrong. Who’d’ve thought!

As a result I’ve spent the last little while looking at how I can make that more explicit. I know I can draw people and wrongly assuming that potential clients looking at my portfolio would too was a bit of a stretch, I needed to lift my people game and add some portfolio pizazz.

I had recently done a great job with ASIC and had worked up lots of characters, adults, kids and things, so taking a few of the sketch ideas I’d begun developing I’ve found quite a range of people.

Untitled_Artwork 3.jpg

Then I added a bit of colour

I wasn’t enamourned with all the line work and thought that’d be better if I could show volume and dimension tonally. Then I want off the rails a bit… What I found is, I love - love, love, love - drawing old people

They have personality and something to say - not sure what yet, but I’ll work on that.

But, still needed to have some children characters (preferably with character) for my portfolio.

I thought, I’d work up some of the kid sketches as portfolio pieces, taking on board that people commissioning work want to see that you can do characters in a repeatable way and with expression.

Again, trying to eliminate line and work with tone, simplifying and using my trusty palette of goodness, I developed the following character sheets for three little adventurers.

So here is where we are at:

  • yes, I can draw people

  • yes, they have personality

  • yes, they have stories to tell

  • yes, I’ll find the words, eventually, and

  • yes, I’ll pop them in my portfolio

I am so very grateful for the honest and constructive feedback, I know I am, as we all are, a work-in-progress.

Love yuz all!
